Hello every one!
After a nice Chrrissttmass holidays in Spain, I'm coming back to this blog activity with more powder than ever!
My first post this year is a present to your eyes:
A NEW BLOG from my friend oigamihermano the archi-Phothographer: Tomas De La Fuente!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
We've been neighbours in a little Village in Spain with cows ,mountains ,and sheeps and organic food since we were kids.
Now we are neighbourgs in London again.
His work is a real inspiration for my work.
Please check his two new blogs( you can also find his Xtreme Sport pics on his links ) at:
http://www.tomasdelafuente.blogspot.com/One of his phothographs above: "Jandro", a crazy man who skates between cows as hell in our little home town village.