I´m really excited as Tron Uprising is looking really beautiful.
My art team it´s amazing and I want to thank to ALL of them for producing such a peculiar and incredible artwork.
Here they are all of them. Check them out. Provably the best gathered team ever. Hold your breath:
Neil Campbell Ross: Key piece, one of my favorite artist ever and big influence. Thanks Neil. I´m always yours. LIMBOLO
Craig Mullins: Does he need and introduction? Master of technique and a real painter. Every piece is always the best, You all know him. A real privilege. Thanks man. CRAIG MULLINS
Joon Ahn: Master of good taste. This guy it´s too much. He´s been producing most of my favorites pieces and the M*****cker still surprising me more and more. JOON AHN
Vaughan Ling: this young fella it´s only 22 ( or even less? 20 may be ) and he has the greatest technique already!!!. But most importantly: He´s taste is something else. I´ve never seen something like this.Thanks Von, you ROcks. VAUGHAN LING
Robh Ruppel: Amazing technique, amazing artist and a real classic painter .( such a difficult feature now days ). Thanks Robh. ROBH RUPPEL
Joseph Holt: Incredible detail, and also so great taste.He did produce amazing pieces and was kind enough to teach me some photoshop tips that I use every single day. Thanks Joseph. JOSEPH HOLT
Joe Feinsilver: A GREAT young painter. Super HARD worker and talented as hell. His Blog has real treasures. Please check them. Thanks man. JOE FEINSILVER
Darren Bacon: His pieces are soooooo elegant and his technique is amazing. ( this sort of techniques I don´t understand! ). Thanks Darren, l love your pieces. Please check them. Thanks man. DARREN BACON
Annis Naeem: A REAL painter also, amazing designer and a future Director, so watch out for this Master. He recently did an amazing video with his paintings, Check it out. ANNIS NAEEM
With all of them I´ve been learning as hell and I feel my painting skills did grow so much by just revising and checking their artworks.
I would love to show something here, BUT as you must know Mickey Mouse wouldn´t be happy. So we better wait.
However, I can show this poster i did some time ago for Comic Con.
Character Designs by Rob Valley ( Whom you all know ) . I´ve been working with Rob for a long time and for one reason or another our work is been part of very interesting productions, as Beatles Rock Band, XBOX or some Motorola adverts... Here in Tron Uprising not only his characters designs were superb, also his story boards are probably the most beautiful parts in this show. I hope we´ll do a book ( comic book ) only with his panels, pure joy for your eyes ) ROB VALLEY
And TALKING about good taste. Vehicle designer, The incredible ( Don´t even know what to say about this amazing designer ) : Daniel Simon.DANIEL SIMON
Meanwhile...We still working on the series. I hope you all like it or I kill you.