Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy Christmas

I always think that my girlfriend is the best present that I ever had.
The most beautiful chick I ever seen!
This is my happy Christmas card, so Happy Christmas to every one, and new year blah blah blah.
If this Christmas you are in London, you can go and see and Exhibition in which I participate with other London artist.
It take place in the very center of London , in Covent Garden, 37a Neal St. It's call Pimps "on the 7th day."( ask inside the shop if you can't find the
exhibition . )
In there you can see lots of great different artist work and two big acrylic canvases from myself.
From 15th. till the 31st. of December.

Has been a very nice year.This blog thinG is an amazing way to keep in contact with many friends from before and many new artist from all the world.
I also have to say that it takes quite a lot of time of each day. But I love sit down and check.I like a lot when I open a new blog and it is fantastic.(It was like
this with all the blogs that I have as link, and with many others that I couldn't link yet)
Let's keep in touch and see what all we do next year.
I'm going to Spain AS THE TURRON,so I'll be quiet in my blog.


Unknown said...

Great stuff!

SEITONAS said...

Ahora ya me he creado el hábito de mirar, cada vez que me conecto, tu blog. Es una manera de teneros mas cerca a ti y a la "pachu". Os quiero mucho, chicos, y espero veros pronto. Y además, me encanta ver tus dibujos nuevos. Merry Xmas.

Kristian said...

Its been fantastic meeting you vis the blog experienza, As we are both living and working in London we should meet up. I will definately check out your gallery exhibition
Many thanks to you for your continual support and encouragement, it means alot coming from a great artist like yourself..usted es gran artista, y el mundo es un lugar mejor debido a su trabajo
Feliz Navidad a usted y a su familia

Sedyas said...

Uah! Impactante! Esto si que es felicitar las navidades, madre mia.
¿Tiene referencia fotográfica?

Feliz navidad a ti tambien, de nada por las fuentes y si quieres algo más ya sabes donde estoy.
Un abrazo


Pues vale, pero dado que mi lengua materna es el español,y sospecho que la tuya tambien. Te deseo (en castellano coloquial) una feliz navidad y tambien Bla, bla, bla.
Te he encontrado a traves de los liks de un amigo (crocusland). Si estas dispuesto a leer en cristiano te invito a:

Lydia Sanchez said...

Es preciosa esta imagen, me encanta como has aplicado el color, a vase de esas pinceladas tan sueltas :-)

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Blimey Charlie- magnificient.

Happy Xmas and New Year.

Germán said...

Great as usual. Hey, u think u could take some pics in the exihib for those of us that can't go to london?

A. Riabovitchev said...

Very nice!I love your stile of drawing.Only one thing ,window behind the head.
Happy Christmas!

LuisNCT said...

I agree with german (about the london exhibition)
great painting and great girl ;)


is that seriously YOUR girl???
uh...(ahem)...I don't know how to say this, but, uh....DAYUM!!

Otherwise, nice painting. Full opacity. Raw...definitely a standout for originality. Respect.

hans bacher said...

beautyful painting as all the others!
my best wishes to you too, have fun
back home, merry christmas and a
good new year.

Sanvi said...

Alberto...Eres la estrella de navidad...Seguiremos tu estela durante mucho tiempo. Feliz navidad y happy new year. Que los hados te sean propicios.

Boris Hiestand said...

ole ole
Alberto! Is that the same girl you were seeing when we were still working in Madrid? Amazing!

I wish you both a fantastic Christmas and all the best for the new year. I hope the exhibition goes well- would love to come and check it out!

all the best


limbolo said...

Brillant as usual Alberto.
Top of the year to you!.....

MikeS said...

Another beautiful piece of art from you Alberto! Thank you for all of the kind comments that you have left for me, and I wish you all the best this Christmas and in the New Year!

Gabriele Pennacchioli said...

Alberto, I regret that I never meet your girlfriend but maybe is better like that.
Buon Natale!

kcirbuk said...

Muy bien!!!
Feliz año nuevo!!
Tu colega Paco

patio said...

i love your stuff, everything looks great

mr-dunn* said...


doh-boy meets your girlfriend!!

happy holidays!


the doodlers said...

Best wishes Alberto. Hope the London snow and the transit strike do not get in the way of your New Years Celebration! Here's to 2006, and more blog fun.

unbemerkt said...

uaaa, i love your color work - really. i have a long road before me... ;)

Tomás de la Fuente said...

Mi querido Albertus, aquí se presenta el impresentable, el visitante silencioso, el que mira y no dice nada! Bueno pues eso se acabó! FELIZ 2006!!!! Que será grande, seguro!!! Soy tu super seguidor desde hace ya tiempo, así que sólo me queda decirte, que sigas como hasta ahora que lo estás haciendo de PM!!!!! Impresionante!!! Nos vemos a tu retorno!!

Tomás de la Fuente said...

Se me olvidaba!!!! Aquí está mi nuevo blog! A ver qué te parece mi herlmaaaano!!!! www.tomasdelafuente.blogspot.com

Martin Wittig said...

Beautiful!! Absolutely beautiful work. Thanks for posting.

mr-dunn* said...


get the goill some clothes!!!
its the new year-!-new linen!

hope t see you soon!
top man --flapp flapp


alberto mielgo said...

thanks very much for such a nice commets and So MANY!
I've been away for some weeks and this is the first time that I check my blog, Such a great surprise.
Thanks again.

EricV said...

very sexy...i love it!

Angel Martin Cea said...

Hola que tal soy Angel Martin,de las Rozas, amigo de Aida,(bueno,ella se acuerda),navegando,navegando,os he encontrado,muy buena la colección,seguiré opinando,hasta pronto.

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