Thursday, September 02, 2010


Another pic for Pete Candeland´s show.


Oriol said...

Que brutal.

Nevena Nikolcheva NEN said...

you rock ! as always ...

Julio Cappa said...

¿ya posteaste un boceto previo de este, o algo parecido? creo recordar.
Me encantan las formas, como deformas los elementos y creas el ambiente.

Logan Pearsall said...

What's your process for achieving such a "scribbly" look within such tight, crisp edges?

Unknown said...

Solid design!

John said...

I'm dying to know the answer to Logan's question. It's so painted and organic-looking. It has depth that vectors do not have, and light. Do you draw everything out in perspective first and block out the shapes, then add the strokes of light and shadow? I'm a big, big fan.

alberto mielgo said...

Hi Guys,

I paint things twisted, as you see them. Some times is easier to control a funny shape than a perfect one. But all depends, I really don´t have a real process when I work, I think.
About colors and shadows I don´t usually think in shadows or lights, I just see block of colors against each other.
I´m not sure If I did answer positively to you, guys.

thanks very much though!!

Logan Pearsall said...

No, I think I meant more how do you actually "achieve" the tight edges of vector art and still get a painterly look? Are you working with Photoshop, Painter, etc? Is it all masking techniques and layer organization, or is it just organic and loose?

It's something I'm struggling with in my own art right now --- I can see the picture in my head, but I can't make the tool do what I want to create it. So I'm interested in the production side of the painting... if you're willing to divulge that is.

Thanks for all the great inspiration, Alberto!

Gulzar said...

@_@ Can you see mah eyes poppin out? damn clean, crisp and tight work! :)
We all wanna see one painting tut man!

way to go!

Matías Hannecke said...

Damn! I'm digging this rendering.

alberto mielgo said...

Hi Logan,
I do paint digitaly exactly the same way I paint traditionally. Some times I limit some spaces or masks for sharp lines and I use flat pure colors with not opacities. I hate gradients or computer effects. I guess that give painterly look.
I also love graphic look, so I´m always looking for that.
I´don´t think that I have a previous image in my head of what I want to do. I think that must be very HARD!

I don´t know man, it´s dificult to explain how I work, I´m not completely sure how I do things to look one way or another .

JoseM said...

Mira, eres un cabronazo y no hay más que hablar.

Un abrazo muy fuerte, campeón.

XAV said...

A good place to eat a burger.

limbolo said...

Alberto, what gives your work this special - what I can only call 'Mielgoism'- is that you seem to know what everything really looks like and then abbreviate that when you put it down. Nothing is bluffed and every suggestion is clear and bright and uniquely optimistic.
Fantastic elements, like the odd mechanism growing out of the storefront in the previous image is completely built and shows no whimsy of the kind that most - perhaps all - other 'concept' illustrators resort to.
You've gone forward from the impressionists with a new synthesis, a renewed realism. It's very humane. We all feel better from looking at what you do.

alberto mielgo said...

I can only say : THANK YOU NEIL.
I hope to see you soon and have a nice chat.

limbolo said...

You're welcome.

Jparked said...

I love your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks you for the inspiration!

alberto mielgo said...


Anonymous said...

The brush strokes are amazing in this piece. Also, the way you created the shadow reminds me of Don Eddy's work. Great job!

abhishek singh said...

depth of traditional ways of art being expressed and extrapolated into a space which is so uniquely yours.
as always inspiring:)

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Sachin Kondhalkar said...

super neat and clear!
just love it... :}

SKIZO said...

Thank you for sharing
This fabulous work with us
Good creations

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