We are living in a complex time. Internet, rights, politics, copyrights... blah blah blah.
During the last 2 years I´ve been working in various SECRET projects as HARRY POTTER 7 ( SEVEN already?... jesus christ... ), GIjOE, Dorian Grey´s Portrait , Beatles Rock Band ... Cartoon Network future series ( those really made me happy, I must say )... BUT I can´t show any of the stuff around.
So I should wait some time till I show more of my Beatles work.
I think that the best is to be more OPEN and try to go according to our present time.
Gentlemen, internet and digital media is beyond control. So LET IT BE, LET IT BE , LET IT BE, LET IT BE ... Whisper words of wisdom, LET IT BE. ( I´mnotsure´s copyright )
Y decía que me dieron un toque por colgar las imágenes de Beatles Rock Band. El juego ya ha salido a la venta, y yo, tonto de mí, haciendo publicidad gratuita...
Alguien entiende algo?
Bueno, el futuro de internet ,el arte y el digital media así corre peligro y por una cosa o por otra acabaremos todos en la carcel.