Sorry for such a rude introduction, but some LOSER just censured my blog to Google. So now Google, kindly enough, would advice you that some content on my page is ... ( not really remember the exact words).
I guess that the main reason is for nudity.
Anyway, sorry if somebody feel offended about my artwork, but I like sexual areas out of my toilet.
This little drawing I post today is a completely different story, but careful, if you look closely, you would notice a nipple under the shirt...GOD! and what a nipple! shit! run run, little fucker, go to the toilet.
Anyway. Does anybody knows how to take this band OFF?
That's a bummer that someone complained. I love your work. Big fan. I'm not sure how to remove the warning but if it helps I follow your blog through my Google reader and there is no warning before viewing it. I don't think you have too much to worry about. Great stuff! And fuck'em! Your next post should be a GIANT vagina!
If you were ratted out I don't know if it will let you undo the option. But generally you go in to Edit your blog Design, Click "Settings," default tab should take you to "basic," then the last option above the orange text saying global settings says "Adult Content" then just select no.
hope that helps
ya welcome to america. nobody knows what genitals are.
Can't censor art! Ball!
Who cares really? I mean I have not problem agreeing that that I'm going to see some mature artwork. And most of your viewers are most likely feeling the same. So why are you even worried about such a thing? Some moron did ratted you out so what?
Well excuse my language. I'm a bit drunk right now ) But all I'm saying is from my heart. I love your art. Your Beatles intro background is still one of the most amazing pieces I've ever seen. So I hope this little incident won't stop you from posting some more stunning works.
Man,this is just ridiculous!!!!
Whats Next?bannig Lucien Freud out of the Museums?
I guess there is always sombody offended by something...,
Keep on rockin' Alberto!!!
Damn, it happened to my friend Hubert too... (Don't know how to take it off, sorry)
Ya era hora de que alguien te censurara, ya está bien de deprimir al resto de los dibujantes impunemente! XD
Bueno, los yankies son así, photobucket y otros servicios hasta te borran los dibujos en los que aparece un simple pecho femenino. Triste.
Ánimo, esto no va a hacer que tu legión de fans sigamos tu blog regularmente.
Un abrazo!
buenas ALBERTO,
feliz año nuevo!
como siempre genial tus obras, de verdad avisa cuando expongas en españa, siempre sigo tu blog
Te queria comentar, a mi tambien me censuraron el blog, supongo que algun tonto..da igual, total que me puse en contacto con google diciendo que si me lo podian quitar y nada en 2 dias me sacaron la prohibicion esta!
ya te digo, lo buscas facil en el google les cuentas que tu blog es artistico y ya esta!
saludos crak
Oh F*&!# thats what I said on seeing this..and irony was your title :)
Wicked. A very Happy & Creative New Year to you and to your creativeness :)
ahÁ! Thanks very much , guys.
yes definitely a giant vagina would be great to post.
Thanks for you kind comments. You Rocks guys!
gracias Sedyas and Conrad... contactaré a Google, no sabía que se podía hablar con el gigante.
Your drawings are unique, people will still look!
Push a button, this is just the problem!
The bigots exist and will continue to exist...
Come on Bro.
Respect for your ART!
Great work, dude.
I had the same thing happen to my blog because of some life drawing that I was super-proud of a few years ago. I still can't figure out how to get that warning off.
Run to wordpress, dude.
I can't believe it!Remind me stupid censors in Kommunism time. Keep doing what you do Alberto!
A mi también me hicieron lo mismo hace tiempo, y no he podido encontrar cómo quitarla, he buscado en foros y nada. No se pueden publicar imágenes de desnudos sin advertencia. Si la advertencia la puso uno mismo en la configuración del blog se puede quitar, si te la impusieron no.
Es una hipocresía enorme con tanta página de pornografía pura de libre acceso para cualquiera, como http://www.youporn.com y otras, que blogger se escandalice por dibujos y pinturas donde se vean genitales. La mayoría de la gente que usa y frecuenta blogs son adultos entre 20 y 30 años.
Pero me hace pensar, ¿es más fuerte un dibujo o pintura que un video porno? O será que el arte no produce tantas ganancias como la industria del porno?
I'm with Anthony, post a giant vagina. Screw em!
Such a silly thing to do. Got a feeling it's all related to your sublime portrait of Belladonna and Miss Grey. Two unfairly unwelcomed names in any blogging environment.
Somebody is obviously offended by beauty. Sad fact. But you'll win them over. You already have anyway. Your Art is well above this bullshit.
Therefore, more EROTICA please!!!
yo raps, i'm with you Alberto, and with your awesome stuff!
it doesn't matter man :) your work rocks as hell - it just can't be seen by nuns :D this will not make normal people go way or stop looking for your art ... I'm mega sure of that
A ver si puedes quitar la tontería esta de la censura, aunque debo decir que es algo que nunca me ha frenado a la hora de visitar un blog.
Hace mucho tiempo me borré del myspace porque me quitaban directamente dibujos y de paso me mandaban mensajitos de advertencia. Es lo que hay...
Un saludo!
I was wondering about the sudden appearance of the warning sign , it's annoying but your work out shines the bull..Great work dude.
care a damn about the band! you are awesome! its not going to change anything at all. Have a fantastic new year!
I don't know sorry... But i ju st want to said : love your work, very good feeling! Never stop! Thank you! And passed over this stupid warning... I'm afraid now, there is nude, just one, on my blog... Ouiiille!
May be you can make a number 2... I've seen this before...
Que joderia.
De todos, has hecho un imagen BRUTAL.
Algo más obsceno que una vagina gigante sería un político y un banquero firmando un nuevo acuerdo con el que jodernos a todos, o la simple imágen de un tanque estadounidense en una calle de bagdad, pero claro, eso se ve que no hiere las sensibilidades de eunucos reprimidos temerosos de dios
MAN!!!!!!! todo su trabajo es increible!!!!!!!!!!!!! del putas!!!!!!!!!!
La estulticia humana no tiene límites.
Como decía Einstein:
"Solo hay dos cosas infinitas: el universo y la estupidez humana. Y no estoy tan seguro de la primera".
Si es que vas provocando, Bertie!!!
Y sí, he visto el pezón con las lupas de aumento ¡aix, te quemarás en la hoguera divina!!!
Censored?!- you've joined an ELITE group!
Eso ha sido algún envidioso pichacorta que ha visto el tamaño de tu porra
It has been some envious "pichacorta" that has seen the size of your "bludgeon"
Ja, ja, ja...es que los Tauro los tenemos bien puestos ¿eh?...ja, ja, ja...
mmm, you may be right, MAtt.
GRACIAS A TODOS, THANKS ALL , guys. SO great to read such a cool and committed comments. Best to all of you.
The best always get censored.
The worse always interfere from hidden position.
It happened to me as well before I switched to wordpress. But getting rid of the censor is easy enough. First thing, make sure you back up your database ( http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2007/02/how-to-backup-blogger-blog.html). Once thats done, delete your blog completely from blogger. You can then recreate the blog and use your database to restore all of your posts and content.
Its been years since I did that but it worked without any issues, but as with any advice, do so at your own risk. Hope that helps.
Buna Ziua!
Eu sunt Vlad, unul dintre membri Radio Whisper - un radio antimanele dedicat bloggerilor şi nu numai.
Am găsit întâmplător blogul tău, am citit câteva articole şi nu am vrut să ies înainte să te felicit – mi-a plăcut mult ce am găsit aici. Am fost atras de subiectele interesante si de originalitatea articolelor. Felicitari ! Noi promovăm la radio diferite articole ale bloggerilor, iar azi am promovat un articol de-al tău; am specificat sursa articolului şi am deschis şi un subiect pe baza acestuia. Dacă doresti, poţi să ne recomanzi orice articol, iar noi îl vom promova.
Ne-ar face plăcere să ştim că ai dori să ne susţii în acest proiect de radio şi să accepţi o eventuală colaborare.
M-am gândit aşadar să vin cu o propunere:
Pe Radio Whisper se difuzează toate genurile de muzică, exceptând manele şi piese necenzurate. Avem şi câteva emisiuni, ştiri etc. Ne-am propus să realizăm un proiect mare, iar pentru asta avem nevoie de susţinerea şi ajutorul tău şi al celorlalţi colegi bloggeri. Dorim să creăm o echipă cât mai complexă de oameni cu un talent aparte şi m-am gândit că poate ai vrea sa ni te alături şi să colaborăm (binenţeles, pe unul dintre domeniile care îţi place). Dorim de asemenea să îţi acordăm un scurt interviu. Pentru noi sunt importante ideile şi modul de a gândi al bloggerilor şi al ascultatorilor noştri.
Îti multumesc pentru timpul acordat, iar acum îti propun sa adaugi linkul sau bannerul nostru pe blogul tău şi să ne dai add la id-ul asculta.whisper sau un e-mail, tot la asculta.whisper@yahoo.com, pentru a discuta mai multe.
Cu stimă Vlad!
Censored?! that is RIDICULOUS! that won't stop me coming to your blog, you are one of the best around!
see you soon in LA.
Me parece que el tercero de tus comentaristas, Maanav MJ Sandhe, puso el dedo en la tecla. Debe haber sido uno de esos puritanos hipocritas que tanto abundan en la tierra de los alimentados a hamburguesas y armas de fuego. Lo bueno de este "badge of honour" es que va a servir para que no te visiten idiotas. Aunque veo que a radiowhisper no le impidio poner un "spam" en rumano. Salud, maestro!
You lucky devil, you...
Bueno, pues ya sabes lo que decía el Cabezabolo... CÓMANMEELMIEMBRO!!!
Lo típico: dos tetas asustan, una cabeza cortada es algo normal :)
Me encanta tu trabajo, sigue así !
You should set up password restrictions too . . .
Hola Alberto, acabo de conocer tus trabajos (fantaásticos, che..) y veo del pproblema de la advertencia que mencionás. Aqui te dejo dos links, uno que menciona el mismo problema y el otro donde se puede acceder al sitio ya sin el cartlito maldito.
Espero que te sirva y lo logres.
Gran abrazo desde Argentina!
Bien, aqui los links:
y el blog ya liberado:
Evidentemente funcionó.
What a lifeless dork, protect the kids, not like they have internet by the age of 7 and see everything anyway.
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